Deliveries as usual this coming week.
Sweet corn from Queensland is available again.
Iceberg lettuce continues to be very expensive, Baby Cos twin pack, maybe a better option.
There is a new online store feature that may speed up your online ordering.
Click on the “heart” item next to the product and you can place the item in a “List”.
Call your list whatever you like (eg. Regular Items).
There is also the option of using the “My Last Order” feature which also speeds up ordering.
What a dreary day, I’ve been for a walk in the rain (bought cat food for Pops); ordered plastic tubing from Bunnings so we can change the water in Buttercup’s fish tank easily (she is a common goldfish); can’t mow the nature strip, it’s too wet; time to go into the garage and throw a few darts!
Have a good week,