I don’t think I have done my annual Chicken and Pearl Barley Soup recipe email this winter.
It’s my favourite soup, takes a little preparation, but definitely worth it.
This is the recipe:
2 large onions
1/2 to a whole celery
8 to 10 small to medium chicken legs
A bunch of parsley, salt and pepper to taste
1 cup pearl barley (or a bit more)
Chicken stock
Saute the two large onions, then add the chopped celery, salt and pepper in a large soup pot.
Lightly pan fry the chicken legs in oil with salt and pepper. Remove chicken from pan, and remove the skin.
Cook the pearl barley in a separate small pot with water for about 20 minutes (or until soft), then strain the pearl barley.
Add the chicken legs, chopped parsley and cooked pearl barley (1 to 1.5 cups) to the large soup pot which contains the sauted onions and celery.
Fill the pot up with water and chicken stock, bring to the boil, and simmer for 90 minutes.
Once cooked, remove the chicken legs and debone, adding the chicken meat back in the pot (also discard the grizzle from bones and give to pets)
* MAKE SURE you REMOVE the long thin chicken bone that runs parallel to the leg (so if you used 10 chicken legs, make sure to count the ten sharp bones)
Add extra parsley, celery and pepper to taste.
Sounds a bit involved, but well worth the trouble
Have a good week.