The weather is still playing havoc with a number of fruit and veggie lines, it’s quite hard to keep up with it all, so I rely on my suppliers to update me with what’s happening in the coming week.
Beans were $130 a box towards the end of last week, so they are definitely off the menu this week.
Bananas have also jumped in price, due to transport issues created by the Townsville floods.
My strawberry supplier has advised me not to purchase strawberries for another couple of weeks, as the quality is very poor due to heat stress in the plants.
I hadn’t eaten a passion fruit for a while, so cut one in half last week and ended up eating three, very delicious!
Nashi pears were supposed to begin last week, but the grower delayed picking as they weren’t quite ready to send to market. They should be available this week.
Hope those ordering the stone fruits (white peaches, nectarines and clingstone peaches) are enjoying them. They haven’t got that long to go, so enjoy them while you can.
This week’s early bird coupon code for a 5% discount is: CC77
Have a great week!
Cheers, Michael