The orange season is just about to change from the Navels to the Valencias. If you are buying loose oranges they will be the Navel variety (Australian), if you by them by the 3kg bag, they will be Valencias (also Australian).
I thought the first batch of local strawberries last week were pretty good considering it is very early in the season. Hoping that the wet weekend hasn’t affected the quality of them too much.
Speaking of weather, they have had some very wet weather up north (Queensland) which affects the quality of some items (beans and corn), and the price of others (sweet potato) because it is too wet to pick.
Bananas have really jumped in price over the last month or so, apparently it has been colder than usual up there, which means the bananas take longer to grow. Less bananas means, higher prices.
This week’s early bird coupon code for a 5% discount is CC33
Have a great week!